When an application is open, the left navigation pane displays an overview of the application, which allows you to easily navigate to different screens in the application.
Clicking a page icon ( ) or folder
icon (
) takes you to that screen
(or section of a screen) in the application. Each time you click an icon,
all changes are automatically saved.
Application - expands or collapses the page and folder icons associated with the application. Up to 10 applications can display in the left navigation pane.
1 - Application Information - opens the Application Edit screen, and in the navigation pane the following subfolders are displayed:
1A Applicant Information - takes you to the Applicant Information section of the Application Edit screen, and in the navigation pane the applicant subfolders are displayed:
1Ai Primary Applicant Subfolder - opens the Applicant Details screen for the primary applicant. The subfolder is named after the primary applicant. If there is an applicant pair, the names of both applicants are displayed.
1Aii Additional Applicant Subfolder - Additional applicants, co-signers and guarantors each have their own subfolder that follow the same logic and navigation as the Primary Applicant Subfolder.
1B Subject Property - scrolls to the Subject Property Information section of the Application Edit screen. In the navigation pane, a page icon is displayed for the property on the application. Clicking a page icon takes you to the property details in the Subject Property Information section.
1C Mortgage Request Details - scrolls to the Mortgage Request Details section of the Application Edit screen. In the navigation pane a page icon is displayed for each mortgage on the application. Clicking a page icon takes you to those mortgage request details in the Mortgage Request Details section. |