Entering Applicant Personal Details

Personal details regarding the applicant pair are entered in the Details section on the Applicant Details screen. If there is to be a single purchaser on the deal (and therefore no applicant pair), then uncheck the Applicant 2 checkbox.


Tip: Use the Tab key to move from field to field; use the Shift-Tab key combination to move backwards.




  1. In the Applicant 1 subsection, enter information regarding the first applicant.

  2. For the Spouse dropdown, leave blank for now, as it will be automatically filled in when Applicant 2 information is entered later (assuming there is a second applicant on the deal).

  3. Assuming there is a second applicant on the deal, enter his or her information in the Applicant 2 subsection.

  4. Complete the shared information between the two applicants displayed at the bottom of the Details section.  The Relationship to Primary Applicant field refers to the relationship between Applicant 1 and Applicant 2. For example, if the applicants are married, select Spouse. If the applicants are sisters, select Sibling.

  5. Click the Save button.


Note: For an applicant pair, one applicant must be deemed the "primary applicant" for mortgage processing purposes. By default Expert assigns Applicant 1 as the primary applicant. If needed, you can change the primary applicant. See Changing the Primary Applicant