Accepting an Electronic Lender Response

When an electronic response is received from the Lender, Expert will send you an email notification. You can then access the Lender Response screen via the left navigation pane to view the response. If the deal is approved by the lender, the Response Type states Approved (circled below). For an approved deal, you will be required to accept the response. Refer to the appropriate topics below:


Viewing Response Details

Accepting the Response

Printing the Commitment





Viewing Response Details

By clicking the Details button, the Response Details screen appears to display the following:


Application Summary Information

Lender Information

Lender Response Details

Submission Details

Lender Notes (if any)  

If the deal is declined or pending, then the reason will also be stated on the Response Details screen. See Declined and Pending Deals for more information.


Accepting the Response

To accept the response, click the Accept button, and then click OK to the confirmation message that appears.

Note: Certain lenders submit a "blank" approval to Expert in order that Expert triggers an email to the broker/agent that the lender response has been received. The actual response details are sent separately in an email or fax. For these "blank" responses the Accept button is disabled. Therefore, in order to record the approval in Expert, you must manually add the response. After the response is added, the Accept button will be enabled for you to click.


When you accept a lender response, Expert prevents the mortgage details from being edited. If it is required for you to later make changes to the mortgage details, you can then "un-accept" the response.


Printing the Commitment

When a lender has approved the deal and responded electronically, the commitment letter is available as a PDF document for you to print. Depending on the underwriting

platform of the lender*, the commitment letter that opens will either be a generic commitment letter or a lender-specific commitment letter with lender branding.

To view a commitment, click its Preview button. The PDF document opens in a separate window, from where you can print.  

Note: The commitment can also be opened in the Details screen by clicking the View PDF button at the bottom of the screen. See Viewing Response Details above to open the Details screen.


* Lenders using Express 4.4 and lenders using their own underwriting platforms will have lender-specific commitment letters.