Entering Mortgage Information

Mortgage information is entered in the Mortgage Information section on the Application Edit screen. This section can be directly accessed by clicking Application Information > Mortgage Information in the Left Navigation Pane. Details regarding this screen are below.

Mortgage Information Fields

Why Can't the Application Purpose be Changed?

Why Can't a Mortgage Amount be Changed?

Why Can't "Existing" be Changed on a Mortgage?





Note: If you access an existing deal, the find that a mortgage amount cannot be edited, it means a lender response has already been accepted in Expert for that mortgage. To edit the amount, you will be required to first un-accept the lender response.


Note: If you access an existing deal, and find that a mortgage is designated as Existing and cannot be changed, it indicates that the mortgage has been co-brokered. You would have to first break the link to the co-brokered mortgage in order to change this field.